Checkout what Tim has been up to in Costa Rica! Final day at the Zancudo Lodge Our own Tim C. Smith is on special assignment!
Follow his journey down to Costa Rica. ZANCUDO LODGE: Videographer Tim C. Smith and The Fisherman publisher, Mike Caruso just embarked on their journey to Zancudo Lodge in Costa Rica. This Special Assignment ties into White Water’s annual Costa Rican Shootout and represents the beginning of what should be a thrilling fishing expedition! - See link below for more info. Thank you all for coming to our first meeting of the year. It was a huge success.
Special thanks you to Chris Paparo the fish guy!! He put on a great presentation! A few key points of the January meeting. 1) All membership dues must be paid by March meeting 2) All Members must attend 5 meetings to be eligible for year end gift and derbies 3) We are looking for derby sponsors. Those of you who volunteered to sponsor a derby please stop by Suffolk Marine and drop off your money. 4) We've added a rules tab to the website please take a moment to review. Our Next Meeting is Wednesday January 7th 2015 at Millers Ale House In Deer Park 7:30 pm
Our guest Speaker is Chris Paparo The Fish guy We've got Jimmy and George digging up the raffles so far we have a pair of Tsunami Pliers and a few other things. First new rule of 2015......Members need to attend a minimum of 5 meetings to be eligible for year end gift and derbies Our next meeting will be held Wednesday 7:30pm Millers Ale House, Deer Park.
February 2025
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